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How to stay calm during the bar exam

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On the day of the bar exam, there’s a good chance you may feel some jitters. That’s totally normal! You’ve worked really hard to get to this point and are likely feeling pressure to succeed. However, the last thing you want to do is let your nerves affect your performance. With that in mind, we’ve put together this list of five tips on how to stay calm during the bar exam.

  1. Start With Your Breath

If you feel like your heart is pounding and you’re beginning to panic, take a moment to reset. Put everything else aside and focus on your breath. Even 60 seconds of mindful breathing can help you breathe through anxiety, refocus, and stay calm during the bar. If it helps, close your eyes or put your head on your desk while you focus on breathing in and out.

  1. Focus on Yourself

There are always distractions during the bar exam administration. However, those distractions do not matter to you. All that matters is your performance. Put aside the other people in the room and create your own imaginary bubble–ear plugs might help! Practicing ahead of time under timed conditions around other people can also help you get used to tuning out distractions.

  1. Remind Yourself That You’ve Put in the Work

By the time exam day rolls around, you’re so close to the finish line! You’ve done the hard work of studying for the bar over the recent weeks. Yet, it is still natural to think of all of the things you still do not know. In reality, you will never know everything perfectly (nor do you need to!). Instead of thinking of what you do not know, think of how much you do know. Remind yourself of the time and effort you put in. You’ve watched the lectures and completed practice questions. Now all that’s left for you to do is execute.
When you finish, you’ll have earned a break.

  1. Remember, Perfection Isn’t Necessary!

During the bar exam, you’re bound to come across questions that are confusing or that you simply do not know how to respond to. Do not let this derail your progress! After all, you don’t need anywhere near a perfect score in order to pass the bar exam. Instead, keep things moving. If you can’t figure out a particular question, mark it and go on to the next one.

  1. As Test Day Approaches, Make Sure You’re Caring for Your Health

Your physical health can also affect your anxiety during the bar exam. For example, students who sacrifice sleep in order to cram in last-minute study in the days leading up to the test may experience more test-day anxiety than normal. You can avoid this fate by ensuring that you’re getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, and generally taking care of your health throughout your bar prep. Getting yourself in good physical shape will also help you get in good mental shape for the bar exam.

Ashley Heidemann is the owner and founder of JD Advising, a law school and bar exam prep company offering services ranging from LSAT tutoring and application assistance to bar exam tutoring, courses and seminars.

Ashley Heidemann

Ashley Heidemann

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